Eleanor F. Brightman passed away at the Hope Health Philip Hulitar Hospice Center in Providence, RI on February 7, 2021. Her loved ones are composing her obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Eleanor F. Brightman passed away at the Hope Health Philip Hulitar Hospice Center in Providence, RI on February 7, 2021. Her loved ones are composing her obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Jose Miguel Vazquez passed away at Landmark Hospital in Woonsocket on February 7, 2020. His loved ones are composing his obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Manuel Travers, Jr. passed away at his home in Seekonk, MA on February 6, 2020. His loved ones are composing his obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Mary A. Pallotti of Windsor, CT passed away on February 4, 2021 in Warwick, Rhode Island. Mary was born to Frank and Bertha O’Neil on June 9, 1923 in Hartford Connecticut and was the youngest… Read complete obituary here.
Donna Silvia, 57, of Providence, RI, passed away unexpectedly on January 8, 2021. She was the daughter of the late Charlotte Silvia Clark and Raymond Clark and sister to eight siblings. She is survived by… Read complete obituary here.
Joanne Devlin of Pawtucket, Rhode Island passed away on December 15, 2020. Her loved ones are composing her obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Mr. Loren Goll, age 76, passed away on January 26, 2021. Loren was born in Palmyra, Michigan to Bertha (Gaffney) and Leo Goll. He was preceded in death by his father Leo, mother Bertha, brother… Read complete obituary here.
Jacqueline B. Carey, 90, passed away on January 5, 2021 at Hope Health Hospice Center in Providence RI.She was daughter of Josephine (Caleagne) and Charles Bruscato. She was predeceased by her late son Ronald Winslow;… Read complete obituary here.
Bertha Diaz of Providence, Rhode Island passed away on January 20, 2021. Her loved ones are composing her obituary, which you will be able to read here.