Robert Cullen of Norton, Massachusetts passed away on March 4, 2021. His loved ones are composing his obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Robert Cullen of Norton, Massachusetts passed away on March 4, 2021. His loved ones are composing his obituary, which you will be able to read here.
Mary says
I am sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Cullen. I grew up down the road from him. I fondly remember his walks past our home. He was so kind to us kids and our dog goofy. Each year he would buy candy from us to support our sports as well. I’ve moved away and have a family of my own now but once in a blue moon I would stop just to say hello. The last few times no one answered and just today Id seen his property had been sold. I’ve always wished the best for him and I’m glad to see he lived a long life. I’ll always have fond memories of this kind man